Come Home To Your Heart

Through the process of integrated healing, reconciliation and restoration of your spirit, soul, and body.
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What we Do

We create time and safe spaces, along with the tools needed for you to experience: connection with your heart, restoration of your spirit-soul-body and partner with Jesus as he ministers reconciliation to your heart.


Prophetic Creative Workshops

Soaring Hearts Studios

The main purpose of this workshop is to awaken your heart to hear the voice of God. As we sit at His feet, meditate on his word, and gaze at his beauty, the voice of the Lord becomes stronger and stronger.

We have multiple dates to choose from.


Immersive with Susan Wright

Come Home to Your Heart Life Events

If you’re longing for a life-changing getaway that will heal your heart, refresh your soul, and equip you with the tools needed to live from a whole heart, then look no further.

We have multiple options for you to choose from.


Hello Heart

Bible Studies

Hello Heart Bible studies is an intimate time of exploring scripture learning what it has to say about your heart. Each study will address different issues of the heart (see Registration for more details).  All our studies are interactive & engaging as we study scripture, encounter Jesus and spend time in His presence. 

Who We Are

A collaboration of ministries that minister to the family; individually and as a whole. Our focus is heart-connection and learning to live from your True Self – who God created you to be, regardless of your age. We offer heart-connection events, family coaching, child mentorship and opportunities to connect to the creative in you.

Life Events

Our Life Event will give you practical tools to help you experience connection through encounter with Jesus.

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Here are resources for you to engage your spirit and grow your heart, mind, soul and body.

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Our focus is for you to experience healing of your being as you connect with Jesus.

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Find all of our upcoming events: Life Events, Bible Study, Worship Nights, Retreats, Workshops, Classes, and Playdates.

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Our focus is for you to experience healing of your being as you connect with Jesus.

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Here are resources for you to engage your spirit and grow your heart, mind, soul and body.

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Our Healing Center

Blogs & Articles

Crossroads – Which Way Will You Go?

Crossroads – Which Way Will You Go?

The new year brings with it a fresh start, a time to pause & reflect. It is also a time when we are feeling motivated to do things differently, to get more organized, set new goals and priorities. We are also aware of the nagging voices in our head and vow to do...

Is the Golden Calf Your Answer?

Is the Golden Calf Your Answer?

I have been reading in Exodus about the parting of the Red Sea and the children of Israel’s great escape and rescuing from Egypt. There are so many parallels to where we are right now. Moses went up Mt Sinai to meet with the Lord. Somewhere in those 40 days of waiting...

Be The Gift

Be The Gift

Every year as the holidays come around there is a growing desire amongst many of us to slow down and enjoy the season. We dream of homemade presents, baking cookies and stringing our own popcorn garland as we listen to Christmas music on a snowy wintry night -...