
The Virtue of Self-Acceptance – Part 2

The Virtue of Self-Acceptance – Part 2

Quite a few years ago I attended a healing seminar – a Pastoral Care Ministries seminar with one of my mentors and some dear friends at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois. I was new in my healing journey so it had a profound effect on the trajectory of my life and the way I viewed myself.

The Virtue of Self-Acceptance – Part 1

The Virtue of Self-Acceptance – Part 1

Quite a few years ago I attended a healing seminar – a Pastoral Care Ministries seminar with one of my mentors and some dear friends at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois. I was new in my healing journey so it had a profound effect on the trajectory of my life and the way I viewed myself.

Joy: Fuel for the Brain

Joy: Fuel for the Brain

JOY! The fuel our brain is designed to run on. The Bible makes a big deal out of joy! One of the most surprising recent discoveries in neuroscience is that joy is the fuel our brains are designed to run on. Joy is defined as, “I am glad to be with you.” Located just...

A Thousand Ways To Set You Free

A Thousand Ways To Set You Free

We all long to be free, it’s how we are wired, to live unencumbered by the cares of the world and all that life brings to us. We are meant to sit at a banquet table and feast in the presence of our enemies; difficult circumstances and impossible relationships. You may...

The War For Your Heart

The War For Your Heart

If you haven’t noticed, there’s a war going on. This war affects your inner world as well as your outer world. The target is your heart! The bullseye is your identity.  As scripture reminds us, you are God’s idea. He formed you, named you and breathed His very life...