Sandcastles and
Crystal Shores

In 2017 the Lord began speaking to me of a journey with Jesus that would require an adventure where I would take His hand in faith while He would lead me every step of the way.

From there he would drop themes, titles, scenes and stories into my heart, and before I knew it, “Sandcastles and Crystal Shores” came to life on the pages.

An interactive and progressive journey was born with a 16-week outline that included things such as; our identity, hearing the voice of God, the gifts and prophetic, while walking the “crystal shores and building castles in the sand” metaphorically speaking.  God is amazing in the way He speaks to us in stories and metaphors that our hearts can grasp, even when our minds may have difficulty processing at the time. Who can arrest the heart with just one word or glimpse of his love like Jesus?

It is my great privilege to have this opportunity to share glimpses of this journey with you and my prayer is that you too, would encounter Jesus in a way that perhaps is familiar or completely foreign to you.  Our Creator is passionate about each one of us and He has created us for significance and purpose. I leave you with one last thought…

“Created for significance”

You were born and created to be significant, not useless or powerless.  God created and saw you in your mother’s womb so you could be a powerful source and explosion of His Love.  Light in the midst of darkness.  You are wanted and invited to enter the very Presence of your Father who resides in the heavenly realms; where everything He has is yours and you are to extend His Presence, love and healing to a lost and hurting world.

You were created because your Father longed to have you by His side where He could teach you to use His power and have the immense pleasure of watching the joy and wonder of it all in your eyes.  Your position as His child is to destroy the works of His enemies alongside Him, representing who your Father is while bearing His Name and image.  You are not an orphan, you are a son or daughter who has been adopted into a family with a very real, perfect and only good Father.  You belong to a family where you have the inheritance and rights of that family.  You are a child who is not treated as a slave who must beg for love and food, but instead are royalty with a seat at the side of the King of everything, who also happens to be your heavenly Father.  His kingdom is rightfully yours because you are His child. It is His good pleasure to share that kingdom with you, not only now, but forever without end.

 It’s time to build a “castle”; are you in?

Pull Up a Chair and Take a Seat

Pull Up a Chair and Take a Seat

The Palace was far more beautiful than anything we could have imagined or hoped for. Upon entering that first narrow and winding passageway, our hearts began to leap within our chests with excitement and anticipation. We were as children playing hide and seek running through that winding passage trying to be quiet yet unable to contain the sheer child-like wonder upon entering this place.

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