
The Know – Part 2

The Know – Part 2

Welcome back.  Come on in and sit a while.  Have a seat, put your feet up and get comfortable.  I am so happy you have decided to take a little journey with us and we hope you will not be disappointed.  We know your time is valuable and that you don't have busy...

The Know – Part 1

The Know – Part 1

What is, "The Know"? How do you get, "The Know", and what do you do with it once you have it? I write these words with a quiet pause and holy reverence. A pause, because in my own heart I wrestle a frustration with "the knowing". The knowing of passions unmet, dreams...

Beyond Calls My Heart

Beyond Calls My Heart

I wonder, is your heart calling you to the Beyond?  Are your feet longing to travel the road to the highway that will lead you beyond what you have yet known?  Do you feel the road beneath your feet waiting expectantly for your next step?  Is your soul yearning to hear the One whose voice is heard beyond the silence?

It is Your Year To Rise

It is Your Year To Rise

This past year has been the worst of times but also the best of times. There has been so much loss and the environment in which we are living is one that could be labeled traumatizing. Our way of life has been changed in almost every way.