Our Body: A Holding Place

Our Body: A Holding Place

Body-Mind Connection I recently wrote a blog: Spirit & Soul; What are Their Roles  and I would be remiss if I didn’t complete the conversation and address how our body fits into the equation. The Bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 that we were all created...
The Beauty of Space: Giving Jesus Room

The Beauty of Space: Giving Jesus Room

Several months ago we purchased an old historic inn (now known as Emmaus Road Ministries & Healing Center) along with another house on 3.7 acres. There is a lot of room for roaming as well as a lot of landscape upkeep with flower beds and planting areas that need...
Soul & Spirit: What are Their Roles?

Soul & Spirit: What are Their Roles?

Every individual is unique; no two individuals share the same DNA, fingerprints, facial features or the sound of your voice. You are fearfully and wonderfully made; only God knows the numbers of hairs on your head and only He can tell you who you are. Though we share...
The Healing Journey: Timing is Everything

The Healing Journey: Timing is Everything

One of the greatest privileges I have as a counselor is to walk with people in their healing journey. I have been involved in this line of ministry in one way or another for several decades. As I pursued my bachelor’s and master’s degrees, I knew that I was called to...
A Light in the Darkness

A Light in the Darkness

One of the traditions we love to participate in at Christmastime is to drive around and look at lights. When our kids were younger we would pack some snacks and hot chocolate, plan our route and as soon as it was dark we would hop in the minivan with friends and set...