The War For Your Heart

The War For Your Heart

If you haven’t noticed, there’s a war going on. This war affects your inner world as well as your outer world. The target is your heart! The bullseye is your identity.  As scripture reminds us, you are God’s idea. He formed you, named you and breathed His very life...
Crossroads – Which Way Will You Go?

Crossroads – Which Way Will You Go?

The new year brings with it a fresh start, a time to pause & reflect. It is also a time when we are feeling motivated to do things differently, to get more organized, set new goals and priorities. We are also aware of the nagging voices in our head and vow to do...
Is the Golden Calf Your Answer?

Is the Golden Calf Your Answer?

I have been reading in Exodus about the parting of the Red Sea and the children of Israel’s great escape and rescuing from Egypt. There are so many parallels to where we are right now. Moses went up Mt Sinai to meet with the Lord. Somewhere in those 40 days of waiting...
Be The Gift

Be The Gift

Every year as the holidays come around there is a growing desire amongst many of us to slow down and enjoy the season. We dream of homemade presents, baking cookies and stringing our own popcorn garland as we listen to Christmas music on a snowy wintry night –...
Living Above the Snake Line

Living Above the Snake Line

I was recently praying with some friends and in our conversation the phrase, “living above the snake line” came up. Now I hate snakes, so my ears perked up. Whatever I have to do to live where I will not have to encounter snakes, count me in. I did some personal work...