The Know – Part 4

The Know – Part 4

So, where were we?  Oh yes, back to where it all began. I don’t want to get too technical or theological on you here, but may I talk about knowledge for a quick moment?  I will spare you the long definition of knowledge in the Greek and Hebrew, but...
The Know – Part 3

The Know – Part 3

“If only you knew…”   Knew what?  “If only you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water”.  John 4:10 I hear such pleading and invitation in those...
The Know – Part 2

The Know – Part 2

Welcome back.  Come on in and sit a while.  Have a seat, put your feet up and get comfortable.  I am so happy you have decided to take a little journey with us and we hope you will not be disappointed.  We know your time is valuable and that you don’t have busy...
The Know – Part 1

The Know – Part 1

What is, “The Know”? How do you get, “The Know”, and what do you do with it once you have it? I write these words with a quiet pause and holy reverence. A pause, because in my own heart I wrestle a frustration with “the knowing”....
Beyond Calls My Heart

Beyond Calls My Heart

“Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds (emphasis mine).” Psalm 36:5 Would you take a journey if it had promise to take you beyond the ordinary?  What if it might lead you beyond expectations? ...