Is the Golden Calf Your Answer?

by | Jan 5, 2023 | Encouragement | 0 comments

I have been reading in Exodus about the parting of the Red Sea and the children of Israel’s great escape and rescuing from Egypt. There are so many parallels to where we are right now.

Moses went up Mt Sinai to meet with the Lord. Somewhere in those 40 days of waiting for his return, feeling leaderless and impatient, they persuaded Aaron to build a calf – one they could worship and look to lead them. How quickly they turned back to their old ways, forgetting the great rescuing that God had brought them through by way of the Red Sea.

We’re really not that different. How many of us turn back to old coping skills, devices, distractions or addictions when we become impatient or discouraged with our life or situations we are experiencing – we get frustrated that we’re not hearing from God or He’s taking too long or you don’t like His answer so you take matters into your own hands?

The sad irony was – the answers they were seeking through a golden calf were on their way. God had just given Moses the 10 Commandments inscribed by His own finger to give to the people that would lead and guide them.

It’s going to get bumpy out there as you see world events continue to unfold – it’s not doomsday thinking – if you know me at all, I’m a Pollyanna. So be prepared! Start by taking care of the “golden calf” in your life. What or who is your first inclination that you go to in tough times, or when you’re bored or restless?

Change your go-to: turn your eyes to Jesus. He is the better answer. Remember and rehearse His goodness, read His word, walk in the victory & authority that is yours, and take communion. He will bring you through to the other side to a better place!


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