The Know – Part 1

by | Apr 21, 2022 | Encouragement | 0 comments

What is, “The Know”?

How do you get, “The Know”, and what do you do with it once you have it?

I write these words with a quiet pause and holy reverence. A pause, because in my own heart I wrestle a frustration with “the knowing”. The knowing of passions unmet, dreams that seem to wilt and die, questions unanswered, heart disconnected, along with a willingness to move forward, yet a bewilderment as to where to take that first step.

Standing at the edge, overlooking a life where you’ve taken so many first steps, seemingly to no avail, you’re not sure if you have the heart or strength left to take one more.

Pause…do I dare poke my toe over the edge? Will it be worth it? Can I make it? Will I finish it? Will it count? Does it matter? How will you know?

Also, I write these words with reverence because one tiny word can stir up so many questions. Questions that send a whirlwind of emotions forcefully blowing through my soul, and yet, at the same time causing a still, quiet and holy hush to settle over my heart all at once.


What is it that we need to “know” for our hearts to be at peace? Undivided. Whole? Connected?

What does “knowing” have to do with coming home to your heart? Well…just about everything, I would say. Will you follow me down a rabbit trail for a moment?

Let’s spiral down that one tiny word with four simple letters:





What is this word and what does it mean to know? Know what? How do you know? How do you know if you “know” and are you even aware when you don’t know? Why does it even matter? Or worse yet, what if we never know?!

Know…the word can drive us mad without even “knowing” it. I don’t know why that is, do you? How do you capture the imagination with such a tiny little word as “know”? But you see, it is everything, even without knowing it. Or, even if you don’t know it. What is this absurd rambling, you may be asking? Maybe you stayed on the rabbit trail just to see if it could possibly lead somewhere of significance for you, for all of us, for any of us. If you will agree to stick around for a little while longer with us, I would be more than happy to explain my ramblings. I invite you to take a little journey that just may lead you to hidden parts of your heart that maybe you were not even aware of. And just maybe, we might “know” something worth “knowing”, together.

After all, doesn’t everyone want to be in “the know”? I know I do!


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