Purposed for Connection

by | Dec 9, 2021 | Healing | 0 comments

It is Time to Come Home!

The most painful feeling in the world is to be separated from God. The second most painful feeling is to be separated from Self. We may not be able to identify this pain overall but there are times when those feelings of detachment subtly take their place and we unknowingly or knowingly construct destructive belief systems. These belief systems become drivers in our journey called life. They eclipse us causing barriers, keeping us from moving forward in the trueness of ourselves. Most of these belief systems are formed to keep us safe and more often than not, they were lodged into place in our hearts at a very early age. And for a time, these belief systems worked; performing, striving, perfectionism, pleasing, and the list continues. They work, until they don’t.

Jesus is after your heart. He’s always been about your heart. Proverbs remind us to guard our hearts for every issue of life that flows through it. Every experience in life creates a secure or insecure belief system based on keeping us safe and Jesus wants to rescue us from those insecurities. Unfortunately, these systems we have put into place actually create separation; from God and from ourselves.

The New Creation Reality

Understanding our heart and the different parts that make the whole of who we are is what Jesus came to set free. These parts are often the inner child that is stuck in trauma. In other words, the children have formed the system we align ourselves with. This isn’t what we were created for. We were created as Spirit. Our true self, the authentic you, who Jesus formed before the foundations of the world is where we want to live from. It is our authentic self.

The new creation is that Spirit part of us. She is full of wisdom, discernment, and God’s light. She is full of power, love, and a sound mind where fear no longer finds its home. When we learn to engage without our Spirit, life begins to look very different. We will always have parts of our heart that need to be evangelized and because of the work of the cross, there is always a way to get off the path of pain and experience healing. He makes a way where there seems to be no way, making streams in the desert.

Take a moment and pause. Can you see your Spirit? Take a deep breath and invite her to come forward. This is the part of you that is most connected to God. It is the inner voice you hear, and when you listen, you feel most like yourself. We come home to our heart as we connect to our Spirit and it is a trick of the enemy when you hear his whisper, “you cannot change, you will always be this way.” This shame message becomes a debilitating message that the enemy uses to trick you into believing its lie.

Jesus is coming for you. He stands at the door and knocks. Can you open the door? Can you respond to His invitation to life, to wholeness, to living from your true self – the self that is present, completely free, and wholly loved and accepted.


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