A Light in the Darkness

by | Dec 17, 2020 | News & Update | 0 comments

One of the traditions we love to participate in at Christmastime is to drive around and look at lights. When our kids were younger we would pack some snacks and hot chocolate, plan our route and as soon as it was dark we would hop in the minivan with friends and set out on our journey. There were definitely streets that we did not want to miss, looking for the neighborhoods that really went all out lighting up the dark streets with the beautifully colored and white lights.

Keeping this tradition, I am reminded of the reason for the season. Jesus’ birth marked the beginning of God sending a light in the darkness. The house that we purchased for the healing center is situated one-half mile out of town, outside of the range of streetlights; it sits in darkness. We recently had lights hung on the house and some of the trees lighting up the house. The other night I went out in the dark to turn the lights on and with one push of a button the whole yard lit up.  I was reminded of the purpose of the healing center, to be a light in the darkness.

The mission of Emmaus Road Healing Center is to facilitate a safe place for the healing and restoration of people’s spirits, minds, and bodies. We want to partner with Jesus to minister reconciliation within each person. When they leave, it is our hope and desire they will have a clearer understanding of who they are giving them the ability to live fully alive and whole, having engaged with their heart. It’s from this place they are able to rest in who God created them to be. For many of us, we feel tossed to and fro by life and have no idea how to get there. We have little hope or thought of how to make an exit from some of the dark places we are sitting in. We need to be rescued. Oftentimes, the darkness that shrouds us has crept its way into our lives from unprocessed pain, trauma and our greatest fear; rejection and abandonment. I love that Jesus has not lost sight of us and knows exactly what we need.

Luke 1:79 is our hope, it’s our rescuing. “The word from heaven will come to us with dazzling light to shine upon those who live in darkness, near death’s shadow. And he will illuminate the path that leads to the way of peace.”

This Christmas season my prayer for you is that you will give yourself space and time to allow Jesus to rescue you from any darkness that you are sitting in and illuminate the path that will lead you to healing, reconciliation and restoration. He knows right where you are at and exactly what you need.


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