A Thousand Ways To Set You Free

by | Apr 26, 2023 | Encouragement | 0 comments

We all long to be free, it’s how we are wired, to live unencumbered by the cares of the world and all that life brings to us. We are meant to sit at a banquet table and feast in the presence of our enemies; difficult circumstances and impossible relationships. You may have even tasted this from time to time, enough to know that it’s real.

The good news is, Jesus came to make this your everyday reality. The Psalmist powerfully paints a picture for us. “O Israel (insert your own name), keep hoping, keep trusting, and keep waiting on the Lord, for he is tenderhearted, kind and forgiving. He has a thousand ways to set you free!”

God will use whatever means possible to bring about your freedom and your healing. He uses worship, soaking in His presence, healthy relationships, divine moments, powerful prayer times, a kind friend, and a broken relationship restored. He even uses our suffering and trauma with these experienes never defining us. We know that He doesn’t cause these events in our life but He will use them to turn what the enemy meant for evil or harm. His creativity, resources and orchestration are endless.

I wanted to share with you a testimony of God’s healing; before and after. As you will see, it beautifully expresses God’s heart for her and his orchestration of her life. It also beautifully illustrates His heart for you! Her healing is also your healing. What He does for one, He will do for you. He is committed to you living from your original design.

“My life has forever changed since attending the Immersive Life Event at Emmaus Road with Susan Wright and Sarah Lee. Before the life event, I had a lot of confusion and brain fog, and I kept getting sick to the point where it was difficult to maintain a job. I had minimal energy, my heart was tired, and I had very little capacity to love or to be loved and was solely living in survival mode. Up to that point, I had years of counseling and different therapeutic modalities that I did to begin the healing stages, and all of it was a preparation for what Jesus and Holy

Spirit wanted to do at the life event. There were levels of pain that were so vast and deeply rooted in me that I needed that life event, the people attending it, and Sarah and Susan to stand alongside me as Jesus and I confronted them and welcomed them into a new life of deeper healing. During the life event, Jesus showed me that a hurt little me had been carrying the decision of life or death for the past fifteen years. However, Jesus replaced that heavy decision of choosing to live or die with the gift of eternity -and what freedom lies in that.”

Journal entry following the event:

Jesus, wow. I’m sitting here speechless. Everything hit differently since there has been such deep healing. You exchanged my tired heart for a heart now energized by love, a mind overcome with confusion for clarity and wisdom, broken and painful relationships in my family for a new family, suppressed dreams and doubts of marriage, and love for a forever love. ONLY YOU. Only you could do this. Only you could write this story. Only you could give this perfect gift of love. I’m weepy in gratitude over it all. I’m free, Jesus, free. The bondages that bound me before are no more, and they will NEVER return. You loved me back to life and placed me in the perfect environment. I was surrounded by women who were praying for my freedom. I was surrounded by hearts that I’ve always admired and have been the most safe place for me. Only you could orchestrate this. Hindsight, I can get a glimpse of how you set this up and prepared the way for my healing. Thank you for these exchanges, Jesus. Thank you for always loving me back to life.

We all have parts of our heart that are wounded and have faulty belief systems that keep us trapped, stuck, even to the point of a death wish. We can run but we can’t hide as our wounds continue to resurface in various ways that can go undetected. Busyness, distractions, knee-jerk reactions, self-sabotaging and even addictions. Do not let this defeat you as it is not the whole of your heart that is wounded – it’s parts – it’s your soul. As a believer you have a Spirit that is fully connected to Jesus and lives in continued unity and oneness with Him. The freedom that you are seeking are for the parts of your heart that are still stuck in past hurts. What is your greatest area of wounding? What story are you believing?

I trust you are able to leave this reading with some renewed hope and trust that God is for you, He’s for your healing and as you bring your life before Him, ask to have your eyes opened to see the thousand ways in which He is bringing about your freedom and healing. And of course, attending a Life Event would be life changing.


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