Crossroads – Which Way Will You Go?

by | Jan 14, 2023 | Encouragement | 0 comments

The new year brings with it a fresh start, a time to pause & reflect. It is also a time when we are feeling motivated to do things differently, to get more organized, set new goals and priorities. We are also aware of the nagging voices in our head and vow to do something about them. We write out our resolutions and make the usual promises assuring ourselves that this year will be different. 

Another year rolls around and we are still dealing with the same issues. What the nagging voices keep reminding us is that something needs to change. This, my friend, is a crossroads. A place we come to where we need to choose to either stay the course or get on a different path. You are tired of going around the same bush, being strapped financially, having the same knee-jerk reactions, or finding it hard to connect with God. You are at a place where you can no longer ignore how you feel, as it’s not getting any better. If anything, it’s getting worse. 

Staying Proactive

A crossroad, if attended to, is a beautiful opportunity to be proactive in your life and the direction that it is going. It can be a time to take risks or to rise to a new challenge. It can be scary and really hard, but what if it’s not? What if your crossroad is a rescuing? I was having a discussion about this verse with two of my friends and we spent some time praying into it.

God showed me standing on a cliff linked arm in arm with my two friends and we jumped into the great unknown. We traveled down a windy dark tunnel free falling, feeling out of control. The tunnel ended, and we were dropped into this beautiful place that was on a bluff with the ocean down below. It was green and lush and restful. It felt like a place of new beginnings. When God is leading you, the risk of jumping into newness is always worth it.  

Stop and Look Around

Jeremiah, the prophet, gave some really good instructions to God’s people, who were stubborn, dismissive and wanted to live life on their own terms. They continued to ignore God’s warnings and dismiss His pleadings. Destruction was imminent for them. The vast army was approaching, and they were definitely at a crossroad but God never stopped trying to rescue them. “Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.”(6:16 NLT).

 Jeremiah gave them some fairly succinct steps:

  1. STOP at the crossroad. Don’t make another move. 
  2. Look around.  In other words, stop what you’re doing long enough to take inventory, to evaluate what is going on. Become aware of the consequences of your choices. 
  3. Ask for directions and then follow them. We often ask for directions but then lack follow through. We can know what to do but we don’t want to do it, or how to do it. Giving up our companion called chaos feels really scary. Much like the Israelites, we want to do things our own way and wonder why destruction keeps coming our way.
  4. Travel the path. Become familiar with the new normal, your new freedom. It may feel foreign at first, but with consistency, continue to walk. 
  5. Find rest for our soul. Jesus is all about rest. Rest makes space for creativity, awe, wonder. We are most productive when we approach life from a place of rest – assured of His love for us.

Are you at a crossroads? Do not let another minute go by with it unanswered. I would encourage you to take the time to stop, look around, ask, and follow directions. Stay on the path and you will find rest for your soul.

Upcoming Life Events:
Come Home to Your Heart: Immersive
February 24-26, 2023

Come Home to Your Heart: Crafting Prayer
March 17-19, 2023 to register and for more details. 


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