Living Above the Snake Line

by | Jun 24, 2022 | Encouragement | 1 comment

I was recently praying with some friends and in our conversation the phrase, “living above the snake line” came up. Now I hate snakes, so my ears perked up. Whatever I have to do to live where I will not have to encounter snakes, count me in. I did some personal work so I am not quite as irrational as I used to be when it comes to snakes. I envisioned them growing legs and chasing me. I shared that with a friend and she said I actually wasn’t too far off. Snakes used to be upright in the garden. I think they were friendlier there. The snake line is a particular plateau at a given elevation above sea level. For some reason snakes cannot go above this level.

Many hunters and campers are wise to this, so they set out for camping above the snake line. Staying above this line will keep a person out of danger but for those that are unaware of this might fall victim to the deadly venom of a serpent’s bite. This is true in the natural as well as the spiritual.

To share this in context, we were talking about learning to live above our circumstances, how not to be thrown off course when situations arise. You are called to live above the enemy’s tactics and outwit him at every level. When you are living from a high place the enemy cannot touch you. It’s usually the little things that cause the distractions. I’m often reminded of the 23rd Psalm, our blueprint for life, how Jesus provides a way out for us when life gets too difficult. He prepares a place for us at His banqueting table (His presence) in the presence of our enemies where we can rest and take as much from Him until our heart overflows. When we keep our eyes on Him, we are untouchable. Enemies come in many different forms; through people, persecution and our belief systems.

Keeping Your Eyes on Jesus

Learning to live above the snake line is an intentional heart position toward Jesus. We are given a place seated right next to Him in the heavenly realms. It is part of our maturing in Christ to make the turn. How long do you want to be tossed to and fro from life’s circumstances? Especially in this crazy world where everything is topsy turvy. We have to provide ourselves a landing place, a place of safety that we go to in order to do life. Each of you is invited to the feast. Everything you need and want is provided for you, but you must choose to sit. The more you practice sitting – even as I am writing I see myself there with Jesus at a big table with lots of food and there’s noise all around me but I am sitting right next to Him enjoying His company, keeping my eyes on Him, staying there until I am at perfect rest – the easier it will be to take a seat. Sometimes there’s parts of my heart that, for lack of a better way of describing it, jump in front of me and I feel some resistance in sitting. I invite that part of my heart to come with me.

Time is racing by. Oftentimes, it is swirling so fast we can lose track of the fact that we have taken our eyes off of Him and have stepped below the snake line. How do we know when that is happening? We experience feelings of being overwhelmed, restless, hopeless, lack confidence, confusion, fear and loneliness. Before we know it, we are managing these feelings, usually by suppressing them, without ever really addressing them. They have become commonplace. Living above the snake line feels very different, you are living from the fruit of the spirit; joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness and self-control. Our awareness grows in this area when we pause and pay attention to our heart and what it is saying to you. To the degree that you engage your heart and take inventory of where your foot is in relation to the snake line, determines whether you are feasting at His banquet table.

Pause and take a moment to evaluate where your foot is, above or below the line? The invitation to feast is always open to you, always available. He will never miss the opportunity to share a meal with you.

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