Transforming Meditations: Practice Creates Presence

by | Mar 25, 2022 | Encouragement | 0 comments

Creating an atmosphere to meditate starts with letting go. Meditation is not something you go after but rather something that you invite in. It’s a practice, as it does not come naturally. We live in a very busy society, chaotic atmospheres and noisy environments. Many of us keep this pace because the thought of silence, of allowing your mind to come to a place of rest, is a terrifying thought. It’s okay if you are in that camp. Just acknowledge it and come to a place of rest with it. This is the hard truth – meditation can be a difficult exercise. But that’s the key, it’s a practice and some days it is easier than others.

David was one who modeled this beautifully. He teaches us to cut through the confusion in our lives by quieting our minds and focusing on God. We see many examples in Scripture of David spending time in meditation, not just on God’s words but on God himself. “I remember you upon my bed…and meditate on you.” In the context of this writing, we define meditation as “lingering longer over God” in Scripture until you encounter Him which brings about the transformation your heart longs for.

Lingering Longer over God

I have been practicing meditation for a couple of years now and I can attest to the reality that it does take consistency and time to build your capacity to sit in God’s presence. When we allow ourselves to sit in His presence…well let’s back up.

Let’s talk about what that looks like, at least for me anyway: I focus my attention on Jesus and with a grateful heart I begin to tell him how much I love him. I share with him all the ways that I am thankful for who He is and the way He has been answering prayer and how I have been experiencing Him. As distractions come up I simply tell them to go away and commit to not fixing them or allowing them to call my attention away from Jesus. I let go of fear and remind myself that I am loved, accepted, cherished and I am welcome. I just stay in this place. This didn’t come automatically for me. I can get really squirrely and distracted but I kept with it. I didn’t beat myself up when I would become uncomfortable or feel like it wasn’t working or I didn’t feel His presence. Instead I would give myself permission to change, to be different, to let go and however it looked or felt that day. It was progress. I later read in Song of Solomon how this simple act moves the heart of God. He sees our desire to connect with Him and He becomes undone by it. Now ponder that truth!

When Jesus Holds Your Hands

I recently went through a really challenging and very traumatic time. My husband was in ICU with double pneumonia and the prognosis was not good. Prior to this time, I had been studying and reflecting on the meaning of “Beloved.” I discovered it is a picture of Jesus holding your hand. During this difficult time I was going through I was unable to pray; at least in words but my Spirit was groaning. I felt Jesus telling me to come and to sit with Him and I sensed Him reaching out and holding my hand. During the whole time and after as my husband was recovering I sat with Jesus and He held my hand. There would be times when fear would want to overtake me and He just held my hand tighter. I was able to sit in this place for a very long time. As life swirled around me I felt very covered and very safe. There were so many people praying and as a friend told my daughter, “just let others carry you.” I was able to experience this with Jesus and feel the full impact as His Beloved because I had cultivated my relationship with Him through meditation. By committing to time every day of sitting with Him, letting my thoughts and heart turn toward Him I was able to walk through a very difficult time from a place of peace and rest. The best way I can describe this time for me is through the words that David penned in the Psalms “There’s a private place reserved for the devoted lovers of Yahweh, where they sit near him and receive the revelation-secrets of his promises” (25:14 TPT).

There is No Space Between You and Jesus

I would encourage you to give it a go. Find a verse or a meaningful phrase to help you stay focused and intentionally set your eyes on Jesus. By faith, because you belong to Him – regardless of how you feel, know that you are welcome, that you are in Him and He is in you. Be reminded there is no space between you. You are His Beloved and He is holding your hand. Work through all of the awkwardness, the distractions and the doubts and fears. Remember, it’s a practice and you are building capacity; emotionally, mentally, and even physically. Come authentic and He will meet you where you are.

Psalm 19:14 “So may the words of my mouth, my meditation – thoughts, and every movement of my heart be always pure and pleasing, acceptable before your eyes, Yahweh, my only Redeemer, my Protector.”

Building Capacity

Starting something new can be difficult and easy to put off. To help you in this process, we will be posting Monday Meditations on our Facebook and Instagram pages starting March 28th to help you get started in your journey. We will also be sharing insights and benefits, tips and ideas for you to practice throughout the week.

We would love for this to be an interactive and engaging time so feel free to share your experiences, how you are benefitting from this and revelations. We’ll see you on Monday


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