It is Your Year To Rise

by | Dec 31, 2021 | News & Update | 0 comments

Happy New Year! Can you believe it’s 2022?

This past year has been the worst of times but also the best of times. There has been so much loss and the environment in which we are living is one that could be labeled traumatizing. Our way of life has been changed in almost every way. With every exposure we are coming to realize, as Jesus said, we live in an evil world system. But, do not despair, He has given us a way out. He has prepared the way for us to live connected to Him above the circumstances of life!

Your Rising

2022 is your time to rise! The Creator of the Universe, the one who has all authority and power lives inside of you. It is time for you to walk in the authority that has been given to you, to rule and reign above the circumstances of life, from a place of knowing you are loved. He’s calling you, awakening you to the truth of who you really are, who He created you to be. It’s time to step into your true self. It doesn’t mean everything in life will be perfect, it simply means you are no longer ebb and flow with outside circumstances. You live with the certainty that you are loved, accepted, you belong and that Jesus is always for you.

Nothing can overpower you when you realize who you really are! You are one with Jesus. There is nothing that had a hold on Him, nothing that caused Him to bow down, quite the opposite. That same power has been deposited into you. How does this become your reality? How do you move from striving, earning, manipulating and works to step into the authority and power that is already yours?

Your Practice

1. Agree with who God says you are – you are the shining one, walking in victory!

2. Spend time in His presence – create space and time and open your heart for Him to speak. Every move you make toward Him, moves His heart. He is always happy to be with you but the noise and clutter of life drowns Him out. Quiet your heart and just be.

3. Allow Him to love you – His perfect love will cast out every one of your fears. As you stand face-to-face with Him, lies lose their grip on your soul.

4. If you feel blocked or numb, disconnected, ask him, “What stands in the way between you and me?”

5. Gratefulness is the gateway that opens heaven’s doors.

If you so choose, this is your reality, living your life from a place of victory, not trying to get the victory. You have everything you need, position your heart in a way that says, “Yes, I want to live with you above the circumstances of life.”

When we know we are loved, we are unstoppable. His love always wins!


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