Gathering and Thankfulness

by | Nov 25, 2021 | Healing | 0 comments

With the holiday season upon us, many of us are pulling on our family traditions and that often includes gathering together to share a meal, open presents and enjoy each other’s company. I am a gatherer by nature so I love these traditions. Every year for the past 35 years we have made the trek to Idaho to spend Thanksgiving with family. With a house packed full of people, we would line up to dish up and before we knew it, the meal was over but not before we had shared stories, caught up on each other’s lives and laughed together. Over the years, as the kids have grown the crowd has gotten smaller but we still continue the tradition of gathering together. This year is no exception. I’m thankful for these times and the pause it gives us to express our love and appreciation to each other and to be thankful. 

It’s been a tough year and people are looking forward to celebrating to lift their spirits. The decorations at the stores are wiped out as people are getting an early start decorating their homes, praticing traditions with enthusiasm, once taken for granted. Jesus loved gatherings and was a gatherer by nature. It was important to him. Just think about how much time he spent with his disciples. They would often share a meal together, sit around a fire, talk, tell stories, laugh and lift burdens. He called that family, he called it community, he called it the church. 

This year, let’s be intentional about Thanksgiving. Don’t wait to express your gratitude around the table to loved ones; your kids, family or friends. There are so many benefits to gathering together with gratitude; it increases your mental health, lowers risk of dementia, diminishes symptoms of depression and activates your happy hormones. With so much loss experienced by so many people, let’s help each other out this year with intention. What are you thankful for? What are some of your favorite ways to gather? 

Blessings for a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!


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