The Beauty of Space: Giving Jesus Room

by | Jul 20, 2021 | Healing | 0 comments

Several months ago we purchased an old historic inn (now known as Emmaus Road Ministries & Healing Center) along with another house on 3.7 acres. There is a lot of room for roaming as well as a lot of landscape upkeep with flower beds and planting areas that need a lot of TLC. So, I have tried my hand at some gardening, mainly flowers. I am not known for my green thumb and often when I buy plants I wish them well as I place them in the dirt. My downfall is I forget to water them. It’s amazing how happy plants are when they are watered on a consistent basis! 

My sister is the Master Gardener, to which I have put her on speed dial. We recently took a trip to a nursery to purchase plants. I would point out to her which plants I liked (all flowering plants) and she would look at the information on each tag to see what their recommendations were for the best conditions for the plants, namely would they flourish in full-sun, part-sun or shade, did it need well drained soil (not sure what that even means) or was it drought resistance (yes, please). She also checked to see how big the plant would get to calculate how much space it would need to freely reach its potential. 

Who knew planting could be so complicated? 

Desired Results

I love the finished product of projects, and when it comes to planting flowers I want the end result to look full and lush with no open space. I would fill pots with flowers and cram as many flowers into the space as possible. The problem is, those are not optimal conditions for plants to really flourish and grow. They need space. Sometimes, lots of it. 

We recently hired a landscaping consultant to help us with our property to further enhance the beauty of the park-like setting. As we walked around the property he would tag a bush and comment that it needed to be removed as it was planted in the wrong spot. There was not enough space for it to grow or point out areas where there was too much crowding and it needed to be thinned out. We needed to create more space to give the bushes room to expand. Interestingly, forests instinctively know this principle as well. If left to their original design, forests would grow in patches, reseeding themselves with lots of space between the trees. 

Cutting Back

I also learned about the skill of pruning and cutting plants back. I used to just let them be and after a few years they would stop blooming or I would have very few blooms. There’s an important trick called “dead heading” where you pull off all of the dead buds to allow new growth to form. Failure to do this keeps your plants to stagnate making it nearly impossible for new buds to form. Growth is stunted. 

Once the plants have completed their blooming, it’s necessary and essential that you cut the plants way back, sometimes down to the quick with a promise of them returning even bigger and brighter than the year before.

Creating space, creates continued beauty. 

Creating Space

I’ve recently been thinking about this concept of space and what it looks like practically in our lives. For many of us, space can create some awkwardness when there’s a lull in a conversation or you experience some downtime in your schedule and loneliness creeps in. We are so used to filling our time that many of us feel lost when we are not crammed with activity. 

Jesus sees it differently, he welcomes space and the beauty that it creates. We are all familiar with the verse “pray without ceasing,” and at first glance, that seems to correlate really well with a busy schedule. But, if you dig a little deeper, it is actually quite the opposite. The Hebrew definition interprets it as “come rest with me awhile.” His economy is always upside down or maybe it’s really a culture that is upside down.

Scripture talks about rest, a lot. Resting requires us to create space. By continually going to Jesus and pouring out our heart and leaving our cares at His feet, we are creating space for rest. Not only is it important to carve out space in our time, but it’s also life-giving to create inner space allowing us room to explore, to contemplate, to experience and to grow. 

One of the kindest gifts you can give your brain is to let your mind be at rest. To cease thinking, especially fretting or worrying and to just let go, allowing yourself to not have it all figured out or even fix anything. Oftentimes when I find myself in stressful situations or I am particularly busy, I will practice being at rest and picture myself free falling, letting everything that I am holding onto fall with me, landing at Jesus’ feet. On the way down, I remind myself  I do not have to figure anything out right now or even fix a thing. The landing is always soft, as I land in His hands, a place where I can find rest. This actually creates more creative space for my mind to look at situations from a different perspective, and to allow God to freely mold my heart. 

Space, if you let it, can be a beautiful thing. 

Befriending Space

I have found the practice of creating space to be effective in my own life as well as in the counseling setting. Creating space within myself or giving space to a client to allow issues or answers to rise to the surface is a beautiful experience. When we allow this experience to be our friend, it can be life-changing. We know that God is for us, He is never against us and He has our best interest in mind. It is in the created space that He is able to orchestrate and unravel and transform. 

Often we are so quick to move on, we miss the opportunity for Jesus to speak or to minister or to “quiet you with His love.” Let the beauty of moments unfold. It’s in the waiting when I am “entwined” with Him, I stay a little longer until I feel the moment come to completion. Sometimes, the uncomfortableness of the “space” can be palpable but if you let your nervous system calm down and you work through the fight or flight, you can come to these really peaceful places within your heart. You take a deep breath and the anxiety or restlessness subsides and all is quiet. You are ready to receive, to encounter, to engage from your heart. Your mind is at rest. 

You have made friends with space.

Changed by Space

I’ve been changed by space, or maybe I’ve allowed space to change me. My schedule is looking different these days. I am learning to leave internal and external space in my life. Jesus loves that, He has many surprises for us. 

My flower pots are looking different too these days as well as the garden beds. Instead of cramming them with flowers I leave space for each plant to grow and bloom. It’s amazing to watch the flowers over time fill in the empty spaces. I can see each individual plant and they are healthy and thriving. Now I’m just trying to stay ahead of the heat. 

What about your life? Are there areas that you need to create more space? If you pictured your life as a flower bed or a garden pot, what would it look like? Perhaps there’s an idea that is waiting to take shape or a new venture that is begging for your attention. When was the last time you cleared your mind and allowed it to rest? 

Jesus loves to give His children good gifts. What gifts are waiting for you? I want to encourage you to not only look at your exterior world but your inner world as well. When you make space for Jesus, your life will grow in beauty and peace. 

A Great Opportunity

If you are looking for a way to begin the journey of creating space, we have something for you. You will find information and registration for our first upcoming Encounter – A Personal Retreat, September 24-26 located at the Emmaus Road Healing Center. Spaces are limited to 5. It is a weekend of creating space and time for connection with Jesus, yourself and in turn, others.


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